Printed Labels

A printed label includes the printing of the logo or image on various fabrics suitable for this use.

Its most common application is for a composition label in which case the printing is usually done on a satin material.

Our printing uses colorfast inks, and the production process involves a passing through a special oven to fix the dyestuff.

Many times when the logo is printed on some cotton material, the label serves both as the main label as well as a decorative element.

Gallery Gallery 01
Canvas printed label with one color print
Gallery Gallery 02
Canvas printed label with one color print and end folded
Gallery Gallery 03
Canvas printed label with one color print and end folded
Gallery Gallery 04
Canvas printed label with one color print and end folded
Gallery Gallery 05
Canvas printed label with one color silkscreen relief
Gallery Gallery 06
Printed label on double sided satin ribbon with woven edge and two colors print
Gallery Gallery 07
Canvas printed label with one color print
Gallery Gallery 08
Printed care label with one color print
Gallery Gallery 09
Canvas printed label with two colors print
Satin printed label with one color print (care label)
Canvas printed label with one color print
Canvas printed label with one color print and end folded
Canvas printed label with two colors print and end folded
Canvas printed label with one color print
Canvas printed label with two colors print and end folded
Canvas printed label with one color print and end folded
Satin printed label with three colors print
Canvas printed label with one color print and end folded
Satin printed label with two colors print
Nylon printed label with one color print and middle folded
Satin printed label (care label) with one color print
Satin printed label (care label) with one color print
Printed label on fishbone ribbon material with two colors print
Label, printed on polyester woven material with lurex
Satin printed label with one color print and middle folded
Satin printed label (care label) with four colors print and middle folded
Satin printed label with one color print

Grapsas Logo

Production & Showroom
Olympionikon 18 & Helmou
152 35 Vrilissia, Athens

Τel.: +30 210 8044250
+30 210 8032907
+30 210 6131865

Fax: +30 210 8042543

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